Saturday, February 20, 2010

Obama Thriller Parody

I was literally on the floor laughing at this video parody involving two of my favorite people, Michael Jackson and Barack Obama. That tight shiny Thriller suit...I just can't!


  1. This is funny as shit!

  2. He has a bunch of Obama parody videos. He has a gift for this!

  3. The guy is hilarious. You should see "Obama" put a ring on it. LMBO!!!

  4. OMG!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!

    This has got to be the funniest ish I've seen in a long time. The best part was:

    If they say it, it must be true, if they say it it must be true, and of course the way he kilt the Thriller Dance at the end!!!!

    Thanks for the laugh, OMG!!!!!
